Cheerful Coders är enmansbolaget som hjälper er att bli bättre på att bygga webblösningar. Erik har mångårig erfarenhet som mjukvaruutvecklare där struktur, frekventa leveranser och hög kvalitet står i fokus. Med Erik får du en schweizisk armekniv som inte bara utvecklar utan också är kompetent att förfina er kunskap inom arbetsmetodik och arkitekturdesign.

Vad andra säger

Erik is a senior developer in every sense of the word, a dream to have on any team. He's careful, kind, and a fantastic role model for others to take after. Your team will come away having learned so much and never want to let him go.

— Vendela Engblom, Senior Product Manager, Detectify

Erik is a quick, efficient, and precise developer like no one else. Add to this his excellent social skills, an easy-going nature, and you have a colleague that can, and will, shine in any given position.

— Niklas Mattsson, Full stack developer, Swace Digital AB

I worked together with Erik for more than a year and I am glad I did. First of all, Erik is a skillful developer with a great mind in user experience. A true driver in our development as well as a great coach to the rest of the team, with everything from assisting others on the spot to hosting pair programming sessions.

— Mattias Schyberg, Director of Product, Nordnet

Kunder i urval


Nyckelord: TypeScript, Next.js


Nyckelord: Golang, TypeScript, AWS Lambda, AWS SQS, AWS SNS, Terraform


Nyckelord: React.js


Nyckelord: React.js, Jenkins
